Aeroservices是埃克森美孚公司和合作伙伴等50多个主要OEM厂商的战略建立全球分销商在全球范围内提供他们的产品。 Aeroservices持有的准备待运显著储备,快速移动的物品,如机油,油脂和液压系统。

“We have found Aeroservices to be competitive and deliveries to be consistent with quoted lead-time”.

“Aeroservices U.K. has secured a contract with Emirates for a long term distribution of various consumable materials and provided prompt & excellent professional services along with involvement of their local supply base in Dubai.”

“Aeroservices is preferred distributor of aviation lubricants and consumables to Kenya Airways”

“Aeroservices suplies consumables materials such as lubricants, oils to Lufthansa Technik Philippines.”

“Royal Air Force of Oman have compared their pricing through Market Research and found that the company is competitive within markets and provides excellent service to RAFO”

“Aeroservices excels in their handling of AOG situations and technical knowledge”

“Since 2012, Aeroservices has supported Thomson Airways (TUI Group) requirements for lubricants and consumables.”

"Qatar Airways management and POL team highly appreciates your dedicated support to our operation. Your timely response and team spirit is exceptional and that is one of the reasons we consider you as a partner rather than a supplier."
